Products / Email Data Protection / Email Encryption
Email Encryption

Secure your email with email encryption
By default, email is generally unprotected by protocols, and it is transmitted in plain text across local networks and the Internet. As a result, the content of email messages, as well as their attachments, can be intercepted and read en route between sender and recipient by unintended recipients or attackers aiming to steal valuable information. Maintaining good email security hygiene and utilizing an email encryption solution is thus critical for organizations of all sizes.
Cellopoint protects your sensitive data and keep your business communications flowing securely by enabling our best-in-class, policy-driven encryption gateway for an additional layer of security.
Cellopoint provides Email Encryption integrated into your email platform and AD system to enforce your organization’s outbound DLP policies. With Cellopoint’s policy-based encryption gateway, Cellopoint helps you secure sensitive data effectively, mitigate the risk of data loss and meet regulatory compliance.
Simplify email encryption and reduce costs
Cellopoint’ email encryption solution is easy to deploy, use and manage. With a centrally-based management platform, it ensures automatic delivery and management of public key, private key and certificates. In addition, it allows users deliver encrypted email automatically and with no required installation of new hardware or software, helping to reduce your management costs.
Secure sensitive data with policy-driven email encryption
Our encryption engine filters email messages and attachments and automatically encrypts emails that meet certain criteria and trigger one of the encryption policies, including email sent from a specific sender, sent to a specific recipient, containing specific keywords in the subject line, sent at a specific time, sent from a specific location, sent with specific size or times and other attributes. This helps prevent data loss and protect sensitive data effectively.
Deliver multiple encryption options
Cellopoint provides four types of email encryption, including HTTPs encryption, S/MIME encryption, PDF encryption and zip-file encryption to encrypt data. We also deliver multiple options for accessing an encrypted email, including providing the password randomly generated by the system, giving the password designated by the sender or the recipient, or reading the message via a notification hyperlink.
Help satisfy regulatory requirements
Cellopoint’s email encryption solution ensures security and confidentiality of your data and helps your organizations meet compliance requirements for HIPAA, GLBA, California SB-1386 and PIPEDA regulations.