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Inbound Email Protection

Cellopoint Defender

Cellopoint Defender for Microsoft 365 is an integrated cloud email security (ICES) solution seamlessly integrating with Microsoft 365 (M365) via API...


Cellopoint’s Anti-APT-URL module effectively blocks over 20 types of phishing attacks, including traditional phishing, spear phishing...

Cellopoint Online Protection

Cellopoint Online Protection (COP) is a SaaS inbound email security solution that requires minimal maintenance. 

Anti-APT-File (File)

This solution provides in-depth detection and scanning of email attachments, helping your organization enhance email security management...

Secure Email Gateway (SEG)

Cellopoint Secure Email Gateway (SEG) is deployed in front of the email server. Utilizing the proprietary CelloOS™ and the advanced CelloCloud™ system...

Anti-BEC (BEC)

BEC (Business Email Compromise) refers to attackers impersonating trusted recipients and using social engineering tactics...

Outbound Email DLP

Cellopoint Online DLP

Cellopoint Online DLP (CODLP) is a comprehensive SaaS solution offering email auditing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and encryption

Optical Character Recognition

OCR is an add-on for the DLP solution that extracts texts from email images and delivers the extracted texts to Cellopoint’s policy engine for scanning...

Auditing (AUD)

Cellopoint Auditing (AUD) module is an outbound email DLP solution. It uses pre-defined DLP policies to identify outbound emails...

Encryption (ENC)

Cellopoint Encryption (ENC) module is a gateway-based outbound email DLP solution. Utilizing CelloOS™ technology developed by CelloLabs™...

Email Archiving

Cellopoint Online Archiving

Cellopoint Online Archiving (COA) is a SaaS email archiving solution designed to securely archive all emails. Utilizing standard Journal commands, ...

Grid Search (GDS)

To ensure sustainable business operations, continuously preserving email communication data has become essential...

Mail Archiving (MA)

Cellopoint’s Mail Archiving (MA) is an email archiving solution powered by CelloOS™ technology developed by CelloLabs™. It indexes and archives...

Case Management (CAS)

Cellopoint Case Management (CAS) is an optional module in the email archiving solution that helps you classify high volumes...


Email UTM

Cellopont Email UTM (Unified Threat Management) is an email gateway deployed in front of the email server. Powered by CelloOS,...

SaaS Email Solution

Cellopoint SaaS Email Solution oers cloud-based inbound email protection, outbound DLP and archiving to protect organizations against email attacks...

Digital Signature (SIG)

Cellopoint’s Digital Signature (SIG) integrates with a policy engine to proactively add digital signatures to all policy-compliant emails...

Why Cellopoint

"Secure Your Email" is our mission and the driving force behind Cellopoint's commitment to combating cybercriminals and corporate ...

Cellopoint Product Portfolio

Cellopoint's product portfolio includes inbound email protection, outbound email DLP, and email archiving. Deployment modes are divided into...

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